Mitch Schiller
Oct 20, 2022


You can have a different opinion anywhere in China. Do you think a party of 99 million people all think alike? Ludicrous and racist to assume. Their are also more than 10 parties acting in advisory roles for the CPC! That's more representation and freedom of expression than we have here in a one-party dictatorship of capital with two teams.

Also the corrupt individuals are assessed and systematically addresses via criteria, not some willy nilly nonsense. The largest political party in the world today would fall apart out of lack of support of leadership if decisions were made like you assume. A good example of the meritocratic aspects of China's government is the current Congress and it's 2000+ delegates. The process of selecting these has been going on for over a year.

I can offer some reading suggestions if you'd like to actually learn about their system.



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