Spot the Difference: Xi’s Opening Speech at the 20th Party Congress

Mitch Schiller
17 min readOct 17, 2022


For friends and comrades in the West, coverage of events in China are mired in insane levels of propaganda. On the right, in the official US media, we see the usual tropes of ‘authoritarian’ leaders oppressing their 1.4 billion people, all the while ironically holding a 90%+ approval rate. Of course, these folks always fall back on ‘you can’t trust the statistics!”. On the left, you have hand wringing and idealism, with folks willing to abandon their solidarity for some sense of purity that is in reality ideological dogma, chauvinism, and even outright racism.

It’s important to try and look past these blinders to what is actually being said and, more importantly, done by the Chinese Community Party.

You can read Xi’s speech translated into English here if you’d like (this is the best I’ve been able to find), and I will try and break down the main points below. These Congresses are the culmination of years of elections and selections of delegates along strict lines, and they tend to signal the direction in which the Party and country will be going. For example, in the 18th Party Congress when Xi was first made head of the party, anti-corruption was the biggest focus of the discourse. In the next five years, major corruption reform was undergone, including the expulsion of some 800k party members! Can you even imagine the US government doing anything of this scale and intensity? I cannot. Consequently, we saw a huge escalation following this 2012 Congress in aggressions of the US and NATO against China in the New Cold War.

The 19th Party Congress advanced goals for poverty alleviation, another huge threat to global capitalism that exemplified a new model of development not reliant on colonialism and expansionism. Extreme poverty was eradicated in 2020, and here we are in 2022 for the next Congress. My expectations will be that some of the major focuses will revolved around common prosperity, and the idea that the large increase and development from 2012–2022 was a net positive but increased/embedded inequality. I expect addressing this, along with pushing for peaceful development in the world at large, will be pillars of the coming years of work for the CPC.

Before we get into the content of the speech, let’s a take a brief look at the West’s coverage of the event(s):

This is, of course, a misleading headline. Certainly one that seems to be aimed at the US left, in an attempt to mitigate solidarity. The more ‘leftists’ convinced China is simply ‘state capitalist’ or equally imperialist, the better.

A few quotes from the speech on this subject:

“Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for us to establish the Party and the country, and to rejuvenate the Party and the country. Practice tells us why the Communist Party of China can do it, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, in the final analysis, it is Marxism, and it is the Marxism of the Chinese era. Having the guidance of Marxist scientific theory is the foundation of our party’s firm belief and grasp of historical initiative.”

“Ten years ago, the situation we faced was that the reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive had made great achievements…At the same time, a series of long-term accumulation and emerging prominent contradictions and problems need to be solved urgently. In the face of these prominent contradictions and problems that affect the long-term governance of the party, the long-term stability of the country, and the happiness and well-being of the people, the CPC Central Committee reviewed the situation, made bold decisions, forged ahead, overcame difficulties, and united and led the entire party, the entire army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to roll up their sleeves and work hard. We will go forward regardless of the weather, and we will carry out the great struggle with many new historical characteristics without hesitation.”

Here we see the Party, with Xi as its current leader, fully admitting to the issues of introducing capitalism, and how taking a more active role in the economy was/is needed. This was exactly the time where we saw US and NATO owned media begin to develop a rabid, ubiquitous chant against China. Of course, this chant couldn’t literally be “we want to keep China submissive to Western interests”, so instead we see headlines about Xi’s lust for power and the ‘human rights’ abuses in China’s own territory by separatists armed and funded by the imperialists abroad.

One sharp distinction you’re bound to see during this speech is that China does not worry about the United States unless it is forced to. There’s not a single mention of the imperialist hegemon outside a few references to ‘external forces’. Like a gardener tending to its plants, the CPC just wants to see its own people grow and prosper. Outside weeds will be plucked and discarded. West, worry about yourself!

This headline is simply made by ignorant folks for ignorant folks.

China has a thriving and unique democratic method, concentric in design, that spirals up to top leadership. Xi has been elected twice and it was the grassroots organizations and Party delegates that want Xi for a third term (by extension all of China). Representing 1.4 billion people is a tremendously daunting task, and the CPC has risen to that occasion time and time again with the largest political body on the planet. The over 90% approval rate of Chinese people (Western numbers confirm this as well) should say something about how Chinese citizens feel. They also have the strongest sense of ‘living in a democracy’, according to this Western study.

Not much to say here, but its a hilarious case of projection and liberal framing. This framing mires itself in concerns of racism, chauvinism, and ‘equality’, all the while towing the State Department line and never crossing it. A current example of this is the coverage of Russia invading Ukraine over legitimate security concerns, versus the coverage of the US preparing to invade Haiti after assassinating its president last year, to re-subjugate it. Colonialists have a habit of projecting their own issues onto designated enemies…here its white supremacy. In Iran, women’s rights…isn’t it interesting how these movements always pop up right after a country makes a move towards sovereignty from US subordination? Weird how that works…can’t wait to see headlines about Saudi Arabia’s evil dictators after the OPEC oil cut (although admittedly the US has been helping them massacre Yeminis, so this is more of a ‘trouble in paradise’ relationship).

Xi’s weakness? The CPC has never been so united in their goals and trajectory, thanks in large part to Xi’s ambitious anti-corruption achievements since 2012. Meanwhile, US politicians are all billionaires and millionaires and allowed to trade on the market.

Xi’s Opening Speech — Part by Part

  1. The work of the past five years and the great changes of the decade in the new era

Here Xi recaps the last ten years of work that took China from moderate success to the fastest period of improvement in living conditions ever recorded, with hundreds of billions lifted out of poverty. Xi points out that this development was somewhat unequal, and that this will be a major focus of their modernization drive going forward.

“The achievements and historic changes have propelled our country to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.”

Here is a short list of the steps China has taken since 2012, according to Xi:

  1. Upheld and developed Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, successfully controlled capitalist elements in aiding in development and technological advancement.
  2. Strengthened Party unity and strength (through anti-corruption campaign, for example)
  3. Achieved moderate prosperity and the largest poverty alleviation in history.
  4. Developed a new outlook for development going forward and named a new primary contradiction: no longer the building of productive forces, but inequality
  5. Comprehensively deepened and developed reform…a common phrase, likely this makes more sense in Chinese but from my understanding it means taking action to better regulate and constrain capitalism’s negative qualities.
  6. Established the Belt and Road Initiative and led movements for global development
  7. Developed and supported SWCC among the people, developed people’s democracy.
  8. Championed China’s people-centered ideology. Xi points to COVID and its management as an excellent example, one that saved potentially millions of lives.
  9. Focused on the building of ecological civilization, a peace between man and nature.
  10. Improved Party governance, built better and stronger relations with major powers in the diplomatic sphere, and reformed the PLA. This one shows a real cognizance of American war drive, while also indicating China will do everything it can to avoid that situation.

2. Open up a new realm of modernization of Marxism in China

Xi opens this section reaffirming Marxism as the Party’s guiding ideology. He goes on to highlight how China has had to update and continue the process of ideological adaptation to current conditions, forgoing dogma for reality and pragmatic deviations that hold to the overall course and goals of the theory underpinning it all.

“The Chinese Communists are deeply aware that only by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s concrete reality and Chinese fine traditional culture, and insisting on the application of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, can they correctly answer the major questions raised by the times and practice, and can Always maintain the vigor and vitality of Marxism.”

Xi ends my encouraging further development theoretically, saying that there is no limit to innovation and updates. This is a rallying call to never be complacent. Every Marxist knows that they must always be updating their models, so to speak.

3. The Mission and Task of the Communist Party of China in the New Era and New Journey

“From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to build a powerful modern socialist country in an all-round way, achieve the goal of the second century of struggle, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.”

This is a turning point for the country, in some ways. Onwards the march goes to the centenary of the Party in 2049. China is focused on building an adequate material and industrial base, in sync with the planet and people, so that they can transition without issue to fully socialized and planned economy.

Xi gives us a preview of the plan for these years to finish this section:

“To build a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, the overall strategic arrangement is to take two steps: from 2020 to 2035 to basically realize socialist modernization; from 2035 to the middle of this century to build our country into a prosperous, strong and democratic country…A powerful modern socialist country with civilization, harmony and beauty.”

Xi warns of the difficulty and immensity of the task, and alludes to outside interference, saying that China will experience turbulent waves and storms on their journey. This tracks with the US’ declining empire and its insatiable thirst for the blood of its ‘competitors’.

4. Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and focus on promoting high-quality development

Here Xi stresses high quality development, versus development for the sake of it. In the post 1978 period of opening up and reform, there were no doubt periods where China subjugated itself to foreign corporations, acting as cheap labor to produce low quality commodities for foreign markets. That time is gone. China now leads or is close to leading in most indicators of quality and innovation, and Xi stresses this must remain the case. Technological and scientific advancement is a cornerstone of this Party and national project.

“We must build a high-level socialist market economic system, adhere to and improve the basic socialist economic system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy, unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy, and give full play to the role of the market in resource allocation.”

This quote gives a great summary of how China sees private investment, always held in check by the proletarian dictatorship in the form of the party and used mostly to help allocate goods in a huge country. The fully planned economy is something China likely has the compacity to do, even at their current size, and I expect as we approach 2049, we’ll see more and more of a shrinkage in the weight and presence of private ownership. For now, capitalists can expect a refreshingly short reach and zero political power.

5. Implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and strengthen the support of talents for modernization

Xi lays out a simple strategy for modernization here, with technology serving as the primary productive force (meaning AI and other tech), talent as the primary resource (labor), and innovation as the primary driving force.
“We must do a good job of education that the people are satisfied with, fully implement the party’s educational policy, implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, cultivate socialist builders and successors who develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically, and labor in an all-round way, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, and develop quality education, and promote educational equity.”

This quote is really encouraging for me. I know previous socialist efforts have struggled in some ways to pass the torch, and this seems to be both a concern and focus for the Party this Congress.

6. Develop people’s democracy in the whole process and ensure that the people are the masters of the country

“My country is a socialist country under the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants. All power in the country belongs to the people. People’s democracy is the life of socialism, and it is the proper meaning of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.”

Well that’s not a quote you’re likely to see in US coverage of the Congress!

Xi explicitly calls for more political participation methods and avenues for workers, a relatively foreign concept for enjoyers of western liberal ‘democracy’, but one highlighted by Lenin and spearheaded by the efforts of the USSR to develop a new form of democratic governance.

“Actively develop grass-roots democracy, improve the grass-roots mass self-governance mechanism led by grass-roots party organizations, and improve the system and work system of grass-roots direct democracy. Wholeheartedly rely on the working class to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees.”

7. Adhere to the rule of law in an all-round way, and promote the construction of China under the rule of law

What Xi is speaking of here is a more clear and present system of law for the Party and people to look to and adhere to. It is the admittance of a weak point in Party policy over the years, at least I think so. China’s judicial system, although showing continuity in protecting the working class, has occasionally been burdened by ambiguity and difficult to understand. I feel like this may just be an outsider perspective, so please forgive me if I am speaking out of place. Would love some resources to read up on!

8. Promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and create new brilliance of socialist culture

“Culture, carry forward the revolutionary culture, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, consolidate the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups…”

I really enjoyed this section, and it shows how the economic freedom given under socialism can bolster and allow culture to thrive. Xi speaks of finding synergy between technological and scientific advancements and the cultural features unique to China. He also speaks of building better communication with the outside world around Chinese culture, something I am very excited to hear.

9. Improve people’s well-being and improve people’s quality of life

“To benefit the people is the essential requirement of establishing a party for the public and governing for the people. We must insist on ensuring and improving people’s livelihood in the process of development, encourage joint efforts to create a better life, and continuously realize the people’s yearning for a better life.”

It’s no wonder the Global South respects and trusts Xi. I have never heard a US politician utter words like this, and follow through the way Xi has over the last ten years.

Xi specifically mentions the need for improvement in several areas: youth unemployment, the housing market, social insurance/security for the elderly, closing the rural and urban divide. These are the areas I am expecting to see progress in before 2027.

10. Promote green development and promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature

China has promised a carbon peak before 2030 and neutrality by 2060. They have a record of doing what they say, and this would be absolutely huge for a country of 1.4B to achieve. Xi indicates focusing on green energy, promoting low carbon lifestyles, preserving and protecting China’s wildlife and natural resources, and combatting pollution. He also indicated the need for more active involvement in the international community on climate change. The world desperately needs to learn from their example, and this should help.

11. Promote the modernization of national security systems and capabilities, and resolutely safeguard national security and social stability

“National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is the premise of national prosperity.”

This show’s Xi and China’s resolve to no longer by threatened by neo-colonial status. They will not return to the century of humiliation, and the remnants of colonialization still on the playing field will be resolved in the near future. The West should see this as a polite invitation to go home and stay there.

Here’s a good visualization for those wondering why China might be interested in increasing security:

12. Realize the goal of the army’s centenary struggle and create a new situation for the modernization of national defense and the army

“Comprehensively strengthen the party building of the people’s army, and ensure that the barrel of the gun always obeys the party’s command. Improve and implement the system and mechanism of the chairman responsibility system of the Military Commission. Build and strengthen the organizational system of the People’s Army Party, promote the normalization and institutionalization of political training, and persevere in uprightness and discipline and anti-corruption.”

A few things of note here, although this point largely follows from the previous. It shows an unusual cognizance of how armies are in part and in whole political bodies. After all, ‘war is politics by other means’. The Party is focusing on maintaining and strengthening unity between the Party and army, and guarding against foreign infiltration in armed forces. This has been a common imperialist method, hijacking militaries and orchestrating coups via this trained and ready force.

13. Adhere to and improve “one country, two systems” and advance the reunification of the motherland

Here, Xi addresses HK, Macao and Taiwan at once. For the former two, he reiterates that the governance model of one country two systems is currently working, and should be supported. This gives HK and Macao relative autonomy while preventing foreign meddling (this led to tensions in 2019, after all).

“We insist on the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and our best efforts, but we will never promise to give up the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is aimed at the interference of external forces and the very few “Taiwan independence” separatists and their separatist activities. , by no means aimed at the majority of Taiwan compatriots.”

14. Promote world peace and development and build a community with a shared future for mankind

“At present, the changes in the world, the times, and the history are unfolding in an unprecedented way, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. The world is once again standing at the crossroads of history, and where to go depends on the choices of people of all countries.”

“China firmly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, always decides its own position and policy according to the merits of the matter itself, upholds the basic norms of international relations, upholds international fairness and justice, and resolutely opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, the Cold War mentality, and the Interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and oppose double standards. China will never seek hegemony and never engage in expansion.”

Although I’d love an actual name-drop, that is not the usual method of Chinese diplomacy. However, the message is clear, and the rest of the Global South seems to be sending the same one: we are done with the Washington Consensus and New Cold War. We know who are friends are.

Xi goes on the stress the need for openness and navigating international commerce in the interest of development and peace, as well as win-win arrangements between willing countries.

15. Unswervingly and comprehensively govern the party strictly, and further advance the new great project of party building in the new era

“The whole party must keep in mind that comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the way, the party’s self-revolution is always on the way, and there must be no restlessness or fatigue and war-weariness. The great project of the party leads the social revolution with the party’s self-revolution.”

The speech ends with a call for weariness, for strictness in party building, and for self-revolution. This is a really important point for socialists to remember. Everything is a historical process rife with contradictions, even parties themselves. One year, all may be kosher, the next the need to trim the branches and allow new buds to form may take precedence. This shouldn’t be seen a sign of instability, but rather continuity and principled leadership. Leaders must stick with the times and be willing to self criticize policy and governance techniques.

“Resolutely win the protracted battle against corruption. Corruption is the biggest cancer that endangers the party’s vitality and combat effectiveness. Anti-corruption is the most thorough self-revolution. As long as the soil and conditions for corruption exist, the fight against corruption cannot stop for a moment, and we must always blow the charge, insist that we dare not, cannot, and do not want to be corrupt. We will fight corruption and punish evil with zero tolerance and never tolerate it.”

What I love most about this is the line regarding ‘soil and conditions for corruption’. Dialectical in nature, Xi shows his understanding of how capitalists will always try and gain political power wherever commodity production still exists, and that the left in the Party needs to be on guard for that, taking action where necessary. The fight against opportunism (corruption) has been an ongoing one since the inception of communist ideology, and the CPC is one of a long line of parties struggling against these currents.

Xi closes the speech with a nod to Chinese youth, and an ask of the Party, that they might foster and support socialist development in the country’s youth. He rightfully says that they are the future of the party, and capable of carrying on the mantle.

“Comrades! The Party has created a century of great achievements with great struggles, and it will certainly be able to create new great achievements with new great struggles. The whole Party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country must unite closely around the Party Central Committee, keep in mind that empty talk will mislead the country, and hard work will rejuvenate the country. Unity and struggle for the great rejuvenation of the nation!”

Cheers and prosperity to those fighting the good fight, and always remember to learn from current efforts at building a better world. As you can see from this nearly two hour speech, there is a lot to cover!



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