China, Venezuela, et al are not the problem here.
1) outsourced pollution from the capitalists of the west (please let's not be naive here)
2) china's PER CAPITA rate is tremendously lower than the west. Try not to deflect from the problem
All existing socialist states have to operate within the framework of global capitalism/Imperialism, this is exactly why the whole world must abandon capitalism in order to face the climate crisis head on through mutual cooperation and planning.
Until then, these countries actually are doing leaps and bounds more to tackle the issues. China has the largest reforestation program in the world, the most aggressive alternative energy shift of the global south.
If you actually read any documents on environment from the above countries you'd understand their positions. And yes, I do think if a country is relying on oil to survive crippling US sanctions, it's an unfortunate reality we have to face or solve in a humane way, not just point fingers.