Against Despair, For Revolutionary Optimism
“Between the darkness and the dawn there rises a red star.” — Langston Hughes
Times are hard. SCOTUS, a group of unelected officials that serve as a prime example of the dictatorship of capital over the working class has struck down Roe vs Wade and put hundreds of thousands of child bearing people in the United States at risk of forced birth.
There is a profound class element to this that many liberals seem to be missing. On the one hand, no owning class member is going to have issues getting legal or illegal abortions. The burden of this oppression will fall squarely on the working class. On the other hand, this action must be attributed to its root cause: not (just) religion, not (just) patriarchy, but class warfare. These mythological and superstructural aspects serve as window dressing: the ruling class will use any justification and rally members of the working class to commit violence and oppression if needed. Capitalism is the root cause of the destruction of rights. Facing falling profits, ecological collapse, and rising class consciousness, the ruling class must secure both labor and consumption out into the future. This means forced birth, even with economic conditions and climate anxiety have lowered the desired number of children for much of the working class all the way to zero.
If they cared about children specifically, they would provide services and address the economic conditions, so that more children would be had naturally.
““If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.” — Che Guevara
All of this can leave one with a heavy heart and a raging, despaired mind. As communists we must remember that socialism is the next step in human development. As historical materialists, we know that when capitalism fails the majority of people, as it is now, the locomotives of history (the workers) will move on to the next system through socialist revolution. We will abolish wage slavery, private property, and deal with social issues like patriarchy, racism, sexism, and xenophobia through a non-exploitative economic base and socialist internationalism. The climate crisis will be tackled head on through central planning and bringing humanity back in line with the planet. Exploitation of the planet for profit is also a key aspect of capitalism.
Today, I simply wanted to share some theorists and Marxist outlooks on despair, and the need to discard it for revolutionary optimism. Despair is often simply a lack of understanding of the past and path forward.
“Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle. The modern [industrial] proletariat does not belong to the category of such classes.” — Vladimir Lenin
We are capable of organized struggle for political and economic power. Join an org, any org that is not tied to corporate power. Gain experience and perspective. Learn from the past American and international working class examples. We will prevail.
“Comrades, there is no true social revolution without the liberation of women. May my eyes never see and my feet never take me to a society where half the people are held in silence. I hear the roar of women’s silence. I sense the rumble of their storm and feel the fury of their revolt.”
― Thomas Sankara”
Class solidarity is crucial for fighting for the freedom of all. Just because something does not effect you personally, does not mean we must ignore it, downplay it, or wait to address it.
“Through work, through study, and through ongoing solidarity with the people and all the peoples of the world, he distills the best of what man is. Developing to the utmost the sensitivity to feel anguish when a human being is murdered in any corner of the world and to feel enthusiasm when a new banner of freedom is raised in any corner of the world.” — Che Guevara
Just as the world develops and changes around us constantly, in a dialectical manner, we too must development ourselves to lead the fight of today and prepare for the fight of tomorrow.
“The feminine section of the proletarian army is of particularly great significance… the success of a revolution depends on the extent to which women take part in it.”
― Vladimir Lenin
Again, revolutionaries must embrace the entirety of the working class in their struggle. Especially in times like these. I’ll leave you with one last quote from a great theorist and female Marxist. You may want to checkout her pivotal work, Reform or Revolution, to help illuminate the path forward, if you haven’t already.
“Being human means throwing your whole life on the scales of destiny when need be, all the while rejoicing in every sunny day and every beautiful cloud.”
― Rosa Luxemburg”